The Elders are the overseers of the flock (local church). 
Acts 20:28
King James Version
28 Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.

Richard Allen, Elder
Janet Allen, Wife
Richard Allen has been at Cusseta Road since 1993. He and his wife Janet have two children, and have been married since 1977. He serves in the Finance Ministry and as the Leader assigned to manage the Family Circles, He is a regular Bible School Teacher, and works in all other areas at Cusseta Road. His career as a medical doctor also helps in advising on Health Initiatives. In 1995-1996 he served as a Deacon, until he was ordained as an Elder in 1996.

Lewis Banks, Elder
Miranda Banks, Wife

Lewis L. Banks, Jr. has been at Cusseta Road since March 1986. He and his wife Miranda have one child. He has served the congregation as Teacher, Interim Minister, Deacon, Property Manager, and Elder. You can find him at anytime making certain the facility is in tip top shape. He was ordained Elder in June 2008. 

Myrick Bassie, Elder
Cynthia Bassie, Wife
Myrick Bassie has been at Cusseta Road since 1982. He and his wife Cynthia have been married since 1974, and have five children, and are the proud grandparents of one grandchild. He has served as the Youth Director, and Transportation Director. He makes sure the church vans are safe and ready for the road. He was ordained as an Elder 2008.

Larry Passmore, Elder
Barbara Passmore, Wife
Larry Passmore has been at Cusseta Road since 2001. He was formerly at the South Street Church of Christ (now Cusseta Road, in 1973). He and his wife Barbara have been married since 1971, and have three children. He serves in the Benevolence, and Senior ministries. He was ordained as an Elder in 2008.